
Όλοι βρώμικοι? *

Γειτονικοί τίτλοι ειδήσεων στη Καθημερινή 25.3.2013

Ένα σχόλιο του αναγνώστη NikKarailiev στο άρθρο "Cyprus: The Sum of All FUBAR" του Paul Krugman που δίνει μια άλλη διάσταση στα περί "βρώμικων λογαριασμών" στη Κύπρο:

Our company was established in Cyprus in 2002 and has been dealing in international trading of frozen foods since then. We were lured in the country by the advertized political and economic stability, ease of setting up and running business, low corporate tax (currently 10%)... It was a great marketing campaign launched by the Cyprus government and it worked on us.

We worked hard and grew our turnover from a modest 10 mln per year when we started to almost 200 mln EUR in 2012; we created jobs, used local services, paid rents, paid our taxes...

Our company is neither a depositor, nor hiding money in an offshore haven; the shareholders chose to keep the accumulated profits in the company and not to take out dividends, as Cyprus banks would not grant credit.

I am shocked to hear that the government, which has been taxing us for 10 years, wants to confiscate a percentage of the money we were unlucky to have in the company accounts when they closed the banks. These are not our money or deposits, but money customers from all over the world paid to us and expecting to receive deliveries of goods against. These are money we need to use to pay to our suppliers, to the transport companies that we hire , to our employees, to the Cyprus telecommunication and electricity authority and even as taxes to the same government that wants to confiscate it.

March 21, 2013 at 9:28 p.m.

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